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"Jeopardy!" Champ Ken Jennings Drives a Saturn

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"I would like to see it upgraded, and I would like to see me driving it," said his wife jokingly.

'I Miss My Sat-er-in'

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My son bought a new Saturn in 1993 or 1994, I'm not certain of the year. The Saturn was still going strong in 2000 until the day my daughter-in-law drove to pick up my two grandsons from school and someone ran a red light, hit them broadside and totalled the Saturn.

300 Feet Down a Snowy Ditch

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On December 1, 1996 I was driving my '96 SL1 cross-country from New York to Wisconsin. Just north of Chicago, it began to snow so hard that I started to look for a way to exit I-90 and find a hotel room for the night.

33,000 Mile Report

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They have always said that Saturn makes great vehicles, well this holds true. I love my silver 2003 ION 2 sedan.

A Different Kind Of Owner's Story

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It seems like just yesterday that my wife and I took delivery of our new L300; it'll be two months on Christmas Eve. I've gotten many e-mails from folks wondering about how our search, sales, and delivery process unfolded. Even though I've been a Saturn fan for more than half my life, the L300 is our first Saturn; neither my wife nor I have ever owned one before. Here is our story.

A Lifelong Saturn Fan

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In September 1999, my very first car died from complications from a timing belt.

A Lonely Saturn

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It was a pretty cold night in Buffalo, like many nights are during the winter. I had just gotten out of school, and was really looking forward to going home and watching some TV.

A Small Kitten Named Saturn

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I opened the hood and we were speechless! There, sitting on the engine, was a small kitten.

A VUE Replaced Our SLK

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A television ad from an area Saturn dealer for the VUE caught her attention that morning.

A Whole New World

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My Saturn is near and dear to my heart, because it is my very first car. I bought it at 33.

An Awful Experience 10 out of 10 stars

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I think I have quite a memorable experience with my Saturns. Please forgive me, but I am not the best story writer. Here it goes.

An Easy and Fun Buying Experience

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All you hear about when buying a new car is how you are going to be hassled and pushed.

An Extraordinary Sales Consultant

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An Extraordinary Sales Consultant · February 15, 2004 I test drove the new Ion and loved the car, but my financing was a problem.

As Saturn Ends, It Is Born Again

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A story from a Saturn Spring Hill UAW team member who has worked for the company for 14 years.

Back to Saturn

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My wife and I purchased out first Saturn, a loaded '92 SL2 just after we moved to Ann Arbor MI in the summer of 1992. I knew we were on to something when we had to take a number, and wait in line for a test drive at the dealer.
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