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An Electric Dream

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I selected this Saturn because it met all my requirements. It had 4 doors, 5 seat belts, was newer, and I liked its looks. It also had another important feature - it was light for a 4-door car of that size.

Andrew's SC2 10 out of 10 stars

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This is a website about my SC2, it has a list of my upgrades and future upgrades.

Austin's SL1

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My homepage for my car and all its info.

Bleuthunder's Saturn 10 out of 10 stars

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Pictures and info of my 1999 Saturn that I have had from day one. Links to other sites and interesting things. Check it out!

Can You Relate?

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Modified 1996 Saturn SC2.

Chris' Homepage 10 out of 10 stars

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Modified 1995 black-gold Saturn SC2 manual and 2001 limited edition yellow Saturn SC2 manual.

Christena's 1996 Saturn SL2 and SC2 10 out of 10 stars

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Information on both cars, modifications, clubs, links, updates (usually regularly), and for sale page.

Conemower's Saturn Place

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If you're looking for info about what a fringe group of Saturn owners is doing to their cars, you've come to the right place. If not, beware. Before you leave, you might get some ideas about your own mode of transportation.

Domestic Dreams Car Club 10 out of 10 stars

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A place for all domestic cars, including Saturn.

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Interactive site featuring news articles, forums, and many way for the owners of all sport compact cars to interact.

Extreme Street Racing

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East Coast Car Show Coverage! There's even a section for Saturns!

Fast SL2

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This website will feature information regarding performance modification to my Saturn SL2 as well as general Saturn info and buying tips.

Goose's Sleeper SL2 Page

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I have a silver 1998 Saturn SL2, which I bought in the summer of 1997. Since then, I've been slowly modifying it to become the ultimate sleeper Saturn.

Gordie's Saturn Car Performance Page

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Here you will find me and my "guests" promoting not only the greatness of the Saturn automobile, but also the greatness of testosterone-building Saturn Performance that will make you want to go out and buy a Saturn and turn it into a real mean machine.
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